Getting Started
Here are a few things needed to write a book. To get started you need a pencil and paper or computer depending on you choice of writing pleasure. The next thing that you need is a good idea. After that you need a great imagination. Now comes the hardest part, HAVE FUN. I'm not sure where this part fits so I will insert it here, you need lots of private time. Also, find a good editor to do what it is that they do so well, which is to keep your book looking and sounding the way you want. If it doesn't read well, it won't sell well, and selling books is why we do what we do. Do not think that just because you have a good idea that it will be good on paper. Start right, make a good outline to show the flow of you book. Write bio's for each of your characters so you can remember who they are from start to finish. These characters are part of you. Get to know them. Know what each will do in any situations as your book evolves. Did I mention HAVE FUN. Once you have your book well on it's way you will need to decide what type of publishing you will use to market you book, e-book format or traditional print publishing. Each has its pros and cons. Do your homework and decide which is best for you. There is a small amount of information on this website to help but don't limit yourself to what it here. The WWW has a vast array of sites and just as many ideas on what to do. All I can say is to read and read and read, and remember to ask questions. There is only one stupid question here, and in life, it's the one you did not ask. Don't be afraid to ask, someone will answer, and the large majority of the answers are free. Check out different editors sites and agent sites, most of them have a FAQ section that are very helpful and insightful. Participate in their blogs, follow them on twitter, friend them on FB, use everything you can to find out everything that you can. The information is out there and I know sometimes it feels like you are on a scavenger hunt to find those answers, just remember, the answers are there. This is a business, and for those who have never operated a business of their own, you will find that there will be miles of leg work required and an entrepreneurial spirit. There will be lots of sweat, tears and shoe wear before this work becomes a reality, but don't fret, it's worth it. It's yours, make it great.
Informative Links:
Visit Nathan Brandsford's site, he has some very insightful information on his website about becoming an author. He was a literary agent from 2002 to 2010 with CURTIS BROWN LTD, but now is a publishing civilian working in the tech industry.