Teaser #1
For so long we have been brainwashed by scientists, government agencies and the media into believing we are the only "intelligent" life in the universe. How could there possibly be life elsewhere? Well, about three years ago two young scientist in Florida discovered a message from a civilization within our own Milky Way Galaxy that said differently. The information they discovered and subsequently deciphered has been confiscated from them by one of our infamous intelligence agencies. You know the type, the one that has no name, no official ties to any organization within the government of the United States or for that matter any government on the planet. Yeah, they are the ones. The reason this agency confiscated these documents and the information contained therein, is it perceived this technology to be a threat to our national security. A threat, be for real, someone out there is asking for our help. The information and schematics contained plans which would allow us to build a devise to communicate with those who sent the message. The members of this agency are scared of this technology, they apparently have seen to many "alien or other worldly movies" to believe these people sent this message simply because they need our help. We have had three years to help them and now they are here. What do we tell them?
Teaser #2
I will soon have an excerpt from my first science fiction manuscript. It tells the story of two planets on the other side of our Milky Way Galaxy in an epic battle for survival. One is fighting to keep their planet from being taken from them, the other fighting to steal the natural resources to take to their planet. Because of mismanagement of those natural resources one planet is dying and the other is dying from the destruction brought by the continuing war. Each planet has it's heroes depending on which planet you live. The other planet calls them villains.
Teaser #3
Go to the Orion page and click on the drop down. There is plenty there to read with more on the way. I said it was coming and now it's there. Enjoy.